We have 2 year old twin girls, they are identical and their names are Ciara and Molly. Family life changed dramatically when they were born. We already had 2 boys Declan and Fintan and felt like our lives were very full. The girls came into our lives on June 25, 2008 they were healthy babies delivered via c-section at 36wk+4dys. Wow who knew you could get by on such little sleep. I wish I had thought of this blog way back then as I do not have a record of life between then and now. I did not keep a baby book and this makes me very sad. I regret that I have lost a lot of my memories due to sheer exhaustion. I feel like we were on autopilot back then, we went through those first few months in a strange haze of simple survival. I think most of us ate fairly regularly, and I did bathe myself and the kids on occasion, so the basics were covered but there wasn't a lot of extras that's for sure.
More recently we have entered the two year old stage! Wow! All I can say is thank god everyone sleeps through the night now! I am very thankful for that.
The girls do share a room and tend to get into a lot of trouble together! The have been known to strip down to bare nakedness and empty the contents of their diapers and proceed to make a terrible mess! Our solution was to put one piece bathing suits on them under their jammies. Also at nap time they no longer share a room, they must be separated!
I will share a recent episode with you. I can laugh about it now, but I sure wasn't laughing at the time. This is what I wrote on facebook, "so when I say to myself, "wow those kids all went down for their naps really well and quietly" I should really go and double check. Plugged up toilet, water everywhere, child up to her shoulders trying to unplug said toilet, not sure what was put down to plug up toilet, water soaked carpet all the way down the hall!
Ciara had gotten out of bed and was playing in the bathroom, I did not know this of course. I had the laundry on so I did hear water running but I assumed it was the washing machine. When I heard a funny sound from upstairs I ran up to find her completely soaked, standing in an inch of water. The toilet was clogged and the water was pouring over the side of the rim. She had her arm all the way down to the drain trying to get what ever it was that was down there! (I still haven't found out what that was) I had sorted the laundry in the hall and bathroom earlier, so most of the water had been soaked up, but some still managed to get down the hall under the carpet....good times! She looked at me and said, "I'm all wet?" yes, as if it were a question as to how that happened! I striped her and tossed her very unceremoniously into bed, she napped for a couple of hours after that!
I will share all of these events with you, as in the end most of them are quite funny...and I will want to have a record to show them when they are adults going through the same stuff with their kids.